Spay/Neuter, Animal Rescue and Animal Shelter program
TOCOPAWS was born out of Weekes' desire to rescue stray cats and dogs in St. Lucia. Groups of international volunteer veternarians, vet techs and assistants, the Caribbean Spay Neuter group and local communities, work tirelessly to humanely operate on animals to limit the animal population on the island. Additionally, TOCOPAWS works with the community to help get these animals adopted into loving homes. Every 6 months for the next three years the team will follow up to check on the success of the program and consider the benefits to communities served. TOCOPAWS' long term goal is rescue, education, adoption and eventually an animal santuary. TOCOPAWS, in sync with TOCO's work with children, seeks to educate and inform young people about respecting and caring for animals as well as working to see that the laws protecting animals are enforced.